
An AI presentations tool to transform ideas into visually appealing and engaging presentations

Presentations.AI is an AI presentation builder tool designed to transform ideas into visually appealing and engaging presentations in an instant.

Presentations.AI: Stunning Decks Made Effortlessly

Presentations.AI is an innovative AI-powered tool designed to transform ideas into visually appealing and engaging presentations in an instant. With its advanced features, effortless creation, personalized design, and seamless sharing capabilities, Presentations.AI stands out from the competition in the presentation software market. In this article, we will discuss the tool’s features, pricing, use cases, strengths, and drawbacks, as well as compare it to similar tools like Tome, SlidesAI, Beemer, Kroma,, and Deck Robot.

What Does Presentations.AI Do?

Presentations.AI harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to create professional presentations quickly and efficiently. By converting simple text descriptions into stunning decks, the tool allows users to focus on their story while it takes care of the finer details. Presentations.AI offers multi-device compatibility, live collaboration, responsive design, analytics & tracking, and anti-fragile templates, making it a comprehensive solution for presentation creation.

How Does Presentations.AI Work?

Creating a presentation with Presentations.AI is as simple as typing in a prompt, answering a few questions in a form, or pasting your emails, chats, or notes into the text editor. The AI takes care of generating a complete, visually appealing presentation based on your input. Users can customize their presentations with a wide range of options, ensuring that the final product is consistent with their brand’s style and messaging.


Presentations.AI offers various pricing plans to cater to different team sizes and requirements:

  1. Public Beta (BETA PRICING): $0 for an unlimited number of users. This plan includes unlimited decks, sharing and publishing capabilities, brand themes, team collaboration, integration with work platforms, and limited AI credits.
  2. Pro (BETA PRICING): $399 per year for up to 10 users. This plan provides early access, pro templates, custom fonts and colors, analytics, PDF export, and additional AI credits.
  3. Enterprise: Custom pricing for larger teams with specific needs. This plan offers enterprise-level security and compliance, company templates and styles, additional admin capabilities, and a dedicated account manager.

Strengths and Drawbacks

Presentations.AI’s strengths lie in its AI-driven presentation creation, customization options, and seamless sharing capabilities. The tool offers a user-friendly interface, allowing even non-designers to create visually appealing presentations with ease. However, one potential drawback could be the limited AI credits available in some pricing plans, which may restrict usage for heavy users or larger teams.

Comparing to Similar AI Presentations Tools

Presentations.AI vs. Tome

Tome is a presentation tool that focuses on simplifying the content creation process by generating slide outlines and suggestions based on a few keywords. While both tools leverage AI, Presentations.AI offers more advanced features like responsive design, analytics & tracking, and live collaboration, making it a more comprehensive solution.

Presentations.AI vs. SlidesAI

SlidesAI is an AI-powered tool designed to create professional, engaging slides from any text. While both tools use AI to generate presentation content, Presentations.AI goes a step further by offering additional features like analytics & tracking, multi-device compatibility, and brand consistency.

Presentations.AI vs. Beemer

Beemer is a browser extension that helps users create slides from web content. While Beemer is useful for quickly creating slides from online sources, Presentations.AI’s AI-driven capabilities allow for more personalized and professional presentations that better align with a user’s brand and messaging.

Presentations.AI vs. Kroma

Kroma is a platform offering customizable presentation templates, infographics, and other visual assets. While Kroma provides visually appealing designs, it lacks the AI-powered presentation creation

Check other AI presentation tools here


Plans start $399/mo

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